Trauma And Abuse Recovery

Addiction And Recovery

The guiding principles of trauma recovery are the restoration of safety and empowerment. Recovery does not necessarily mean complete freedom from post-traumatic effects but generally, it is the ability to live in the present without being overwhelmed by the thoughts and feelings of the past.

Traumatic stress can cause very strong reactions in some people and may become chronic (ongoing). You should seek professional help if you:

  • are feeling very distressed after the event
  • are unable to handle the intense feelings or physical sensations
  • don’t have normal feelings, but continue to feel numb and empty
  • feel that you are not beginning to return to normal after three or four weeks
  • continue to have physical stress symptoms
  • continue to have disturbed sleep or nightmares
  • deliberately try to avoid anything that reminds you of the traumatic experience
  • have no one you can share your feelings with
  • find that relationships with family and friends are suffering
  • are becoming accident-prone and using more alcohol or drugs
  • cannot return to work or manage responsibilities
  • keep reliving the traumatic experience
  • feel very much on edge and can be easily startled.

Seek Professional Assistance

Many treatment plans focus on talk therapy and behavior therapy and can be performed in a group or through one-on-one sessions. During these sessions, patients analyze the reasons behind their trauma, what triggers are, and what can help them overcome the negative effects of trauma. Patients also learn coping skills so they can manage triggers without becoming fused to emotion in intense situations.

Book a consultation today for Trauma and Abuse Recovery with Mind Renewal Counseling, LLC.  Call (724) 812-3460 or book a consultation online.

My Availability






9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 7:00 pm





